Optimal Systems Filter Presses

A New Era of Wastewater Treatment!

At Optimal Systems we understand how important efficiency and reliability are in the wastewater treatment process. That is why we proudly present our filter presses, which are a key element in modern industrial treatment plants.

Why our filter presses?

High efficiency: Our filter presses are designed to maximize contaminant removal while minimizing energy and chemical usage.

Durability and reliability: Using high-quality materials, we guarantee long service life of our devices even in the most demanding industrial conditions.

Cost optimization: By automating the filtration process, our customers can significantly reduce the operating costs associated with wastewater treatment.

Benefits of choosing Optimal Systems filter presses

  • Reduced waste: Our presses efficiently condense sludge, making it easier and cheaper to dispose of.
  • Improved water quality: Superior filtration quality means cleaner water that can be safely returned to the environment or reused in industrial processes.
  • Technical support and service: We offer comprehensive service, from installation to regular inspections and service, ensuring the continuity of equipment operation.

Choose Optimal Systems filter presses and join the group of companies that focus on modern, ecological solutions.

Start working with Optimal Systems today and enjoy an efficient and ecological wastewater treatment system.

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Filter press

is one of the key devices used in the mechanical sludge dewatering stage, which is one of the most important processes in industrial wastewater treatment plants. The following instructions contain basic guidelines for the safe and effective operation of the filter press.

The filter press operates on the principle of transferring sediment between a series of chambers, which are formed by a set of moving plates covered with filter material. This process begins with the introduction of sediment under pressure into the press. This pressure causes the water contained in the sediment to percolate through the filter material (filter cloth), leaving behind dry solid fractions.


  • Reduction of sludge volume: By removing water the chamber filter press significantly reduces sludge volume, which facilitates and reduces the costs of its further transportation, disposal or use.
  • Improving the efficiency of chemical processes: Dry fractions of sludge, which are better prepared for further chemical processing, allow for more efficient reactions for example in the process of chemical stabilization or further processing into compost or alternative fuel.
  • Reduction of the load on subsequent purification stages: Through efficient dewatering the chamber filter press reduces the water load on subsequent purification stages, which can reduce the energy and chemical requirements in downstream processes.
  • Ensuring compliance with environmental standards: By effectively removing contaminants and reducing sludge toxicity, the filter press dewatering process helps to meet stringent environmental standards for waste management.

The filter press consists of a set of side by side middle filter plates and a starting and ending plate, pressed together by an automatic hydraulic press. The process of separating solid sediments from water using a filter press is quite simple. At first a flocculant is added to the liquid sediment, thanks to which the sediment particles separate from the water in the coagulation process, and the whole process is faster and more efficient.

The filter press uses pressure in its operation. The sediments are pumped and transported to closed chambers, where the process of percolation through a special filter fabric called filter cloth then takes place. As a result, the liquid is drained, and the dry mass remains on the surface of the fabric and is then pressed. The final product of the filter press is a pressed sediment cake, which, after the plates are moved apart, falls into the sediment trolley.